GCCI is built from the desire to create a knowledge community in training and consulting in Vietnam.
GCCI stands for Group – Consultants – Company – International with the desire to be a strong firm in Vietnam where gathers good experts in areas of professional international working environment to create power of collective intelligence.
This is also the place where each individual aims to become an expert for contribution of their knowledge to Vietnamese community.

Established in 3/2012.
Head quarter ‘s address: VP26, 26th Floor, Song Da building-Ha Dong; No.110 Tran Phu street, Mo Lao ward,. Ha Dong district, Ha Noi and Office in Ho Chi Minh city

Vision – Mission – Core values

Vision is to become an enterprise in Big5 in Vietnam in both aspect of corporate consulting and training and mission of accompanying with business owners to win-win and contribute to mindset change of Vietnamese labors.

Core values:

✓ Bring contributable value to customers
✓ Systematize and constantly improve service processes every day
✓ The working environment is full of responsibility and democracy
✓ Continous sharring and learing culture
✓ For the sake of community